A Little Coffee

Hello! And we thing moved the original CoffeeScript documentation on Russian language and published it cidocs.ru/coffeescript

Why it was done, and some interesting things about CoffeeScript is under the cut

UPD. It was not easy to settle this a post on habré. The moderator put it to the hub "I PR" in accordance with the rules, due to the fact that the post contains a link to my site

I read a wonderful book "CoffeeScript. Second wind JavaScript", will make a few observations on it.

First, the author not understand generators, and my respect to him for what he said honestly "I don't use them because they do not like."

From my point of view, generators are amazing. It's great to have just a single line of text, almost chelovekochasov to replace a piece of code with 10-20 lines.

Secondly, the book is too little practice.

Third, the existing practice is too odNODEBoki. Using JavaScript with great success you can write for the desktop, Android and iOS. CoffeeScript directly in the browser to broadcast, and beyond.

So I went to read the original manual. It's much like, in my favorite style — Zen, ascetic. To read such nice things, slowly. And my colleague and I decided in between to translate it (other translations — cidocs.ru).

Notes on errors can be reported to the PM.


More coffee

A. Found such a cool thing CoffeeScript-PHP. Don't ask why. But those who are useful will appreciate it.

B. With the help of interesting utilities JS2Coffee can you distill CoffeeScript to JavaScript and back

For example, you can do the following:
  • Obsluzivanie JavaScript code to overtake CoffeeScript
  • the
  • Resulting code is very readable you can analyze
  • the
  • If you don't want to read CoffeeScript you can overtake received back in JavaScript, and it will very nicely decorated — almost without a trace obsfucate

V. Beginners to understand the basics and mastering the power of functional programming, I recommend a wonderful haraprasad Functional programming in Javascript


Why I like CoffeeScript?

Because it allows significantly faster to translate thoughts into code, it is possible to use any JavaScript libraries and the resulting JS code quality is no worse than what you would write by hand. And yet it can be mastered within a couple of hours. And perhaps most importantly — due to concise syntax and exceptional care by the compiler of the vocabulary, the error is much less. The focus on the need to do and less to think about how to do it. Great, isn't it?

Example. A project that uses underscore.js and jQuery, write and debug 3 days. Deciding to rewrite it in CoffeeScript, did it in 4 hours, it suddenly was no need for underscore.js. Of course, the code is lost once commercials at five.

Thank you and good luck to all!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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