Article to order to offer top of the article and made to give karma or an invite

I was reading how people complained about negative karma and the difficulty in obtaining invites. They say it is difficult to come up with a topic and write a good post on it, and some simply did not have enough karma for this. I have the opposite, rather, the problem is to find the time to write a post, the theme is always there. But there are some things I'd like to see, but again, no time to find myself.

How about creating a list of topics that person with karma/invite interesting to see and for which he is willing something good to share? Then people will not choose a topic at random and know that if they do, it just will be a person who is interesting and will be karma/invites.

If not enough karma to post, then who asked the post before publishing and he will have enough karma.

Like, from the point of view of the rules, there is nothing criminal. Man honestly earns karma/invites for nice post, but it gets a little easier, so the post certainly someone will be interesting. And at the same time, the customer receives information on the interesting topic.

Update description of the implementation under the cut.

UPDATE: a Little bit about the implementation.

I am implementing this with something like:

The job:
1) the List is open and visible to all.
2) the Person who wants to try it, select a topic and locks it.
2.1) If after 2 days nothing happened, the theme razblokirovat, and the one who took it the first time, receives a punishment (negative karma was for ever or something (here I need help with ideas for potential juzverej)). And it all starts from the beginning.
3) If, within 2 days, the person makes the appropriate topic, he shows it to the customer.
3.1) If the work like the customer, that topic is published, the customer is paying karma/invite, everyone is happy and read the topic.
3.2) If you don't like it for objective reasons(need to make a list vozmozhnyh objective reasons), then the person is given 1 day for error correction, then the customer checks again.
3.3) If the customer is not available for the initial inspection within 2 days (or repeated within 1 day), the topic just published.
3.4) If the post is published without verification and were unsuccessful (rating of less than +20), the customer gets minus karma.
3.5) If the post is not published within 5 days (by tried, but failed), it all starts again. The customer receives a plus for the test, the contractor minus the arrogance.

1) Customer adds a task that should be executed.
2) the Customer offers the price (no more karma/invites than he can give).
3) the Customer describes the minimum level work (i.e., what does he expect to see there).

I want to know the performance of each mathematical operation (limited to the most popular +- */%&| and all sorts of roots, trigonometry, vector lengths, but the more the better), which supports OpenCL on the nVidia graphics cards with Computing Capability 2.0. Ie, the author should make a small test example, to figure out how to measure correctly time and test all operations. The author also needs to prove that all depends on the performance of the kernel, and not in memory/registers/PCIe/etc. I would like a comparison of native functions with the same functions that are written manually, such as calculating the length of the vector. I would also like to know the performance of integer operations.

I would imagine all of this.
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