Eclipse PDT — Zend for Eclipse with your own hands

With the release of the latest version of Zend much time has passed, and on Habre regularly slipped discussions about what is better — Zend for Eclipse or Eclipse PDT, I have always took participation. Now I allow myself to disturb the audience with his view on the subject, talk about all sorts of plugins and you'll be able to decide what you need.

PHP editor

As PHP editor in both cases, use PHP Development Tools. Zend programmers participated in the development of PDT in this regard, there is (unfounded) opinion that PDT biting customers at Zend.

For us it is important that the differences between them from the point of view of PHP.


Work with HTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript files is a project of Web Tools Platform. Everything is good here except JavaScript not Ah. There are many alternatives. For starters, it is — of course —


Aptana can be considered a heavyweight. It provides a complete set of tools for razarbotka web2.0 applications. Powerful editors HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ruby on Rails, Python. But its power — for me — weakness. I primarily need a good JavaScript editor; everything else I already have. So go ahead:

Spket IDE

Also not caught on, for similar reasons. Although, if it supports Ext JS (as stated), it is worth paying more attention — Ext JS documentation is large and it is large; if the IDE knows all its objects, their methods and constructors are a great help. But I am looking for something simpler


That's what I was looking for. Austere, what is document and prototype know, understand my objects and their methods tells. That's nice.

version Control

In compare PDT and Zend written that PDT does not support Subversion. This is the right word, weird. Tigris regularly updates Subclipse — plugin for SVN in Eclipse. And repository Eclipse there is a Subversive.


Zend comes with PHPUnit. Don't know, never tried. I stopped at Simpletest. Everything works.


Until recently, it was, Yes, a problem. Did not exist any decent open plugin. Recently, however, in the repository, Eclipse had the same plugin Remote System Exlorer (the same as in Zend), which provides FTP, SFTP, and SSH...


Working with SQL is provided by the plugin Data Tools Platform. It is all one, all the same.


phpDocumentor plugs (one has only to Google) to any Eclipse, Zend here again back.

Debugging and profiling

This is the moment for which Zend should buy. If debuger without problems and connects to the PDT, the Profiler is available only to the elite.

what about UML?

Of course, Visual Paradigm the coolest wheel you can install in Eclipse. But their programs are distributed under their own license and even community edition prohibits commercial use. Why buy a cannon to shoot sparrows?
Recently I found absolutely wonderful plugin AmaterasUML. Able to draw only four types of diagrams, but I'm not a project Manager, and developer, I have enough of this in abundance. Nearby is another indispensable plugin — AmaterasERD — for visual database development. Of course, it is able to generate SQL.


Of course, there are Mylyn — task Manager is designed to integrate with bugtracker.

Regular expressions

I will mention only one QuickREx. His rivals, of course.


I got on the scales lay: Profiler on one side and $ 399.
I don't want such an expensive Profiler.
Article based on information from


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