Elasticweb first adaptive virtual hosting

Good day, dear habracha. I want to share with you the events in the life of our colleagues of the project Elasticweb. For those who have not seen first post about Elasticweb is shared hosting with payment only for used resources of the server without restrictions on the number of domains, subdomains and databases.

I want to clearly illustrate a fundamental difference Elasticweb from other hosts on the example of a real case. A blog with traffic of 2000 unique visitors a day, a service which is suitable tariff plan for 150 rubles. But there are peaks caused by garraffello or Redeem up to 10 000 for a few days. In such situations, the site begins to slow down and hosting sends a warning letter about the lock and a request to move to another tariff plan. In many cases, people begin to pay more, the peaks wear off and the money thrown to the wind (not every times back and forth to jump). In Elasticweb no ad hoc limits and billed daily based on the capacities involved. Here do not pay extra.


In 2 months the service has registered nearly 1,000 people, the fourth part of them have become our clients. At the moment Elasticweb serves more than 800 domains that recruit a total of 500 000 visits per day. We processed 400 tickets and responded to nearly 3,500 messages. The average response time is 15 minutes. Of course we work a lot on functionality and move towards Heroku, but I want to emphasize that the main emphasis is on quality technical support. It seems to us that it is the most important thing for clients in the hosting company. I promise that in the future (with more clients) will have a poll rating the quality of our service.

It is important to mention that as a web server, we use Nginx, Apache and support respectively .htaccess we have. But we all will help you to create Nginx config for your project.


The first conceptual change is the renaming of the “hosting accounts” in the “nodes”. For the convenience of working with nodes added the ability to create aliases for them, and customers will now be able to pass the nodes to each other. There was also a function of transferring funds to another account. By the way, by popular demand, recharge is already possible via PayPal, and will soon have a file Manager and memcache.

Nginx editor

From the very beginning for us was a momentous task to write online editor for Nginx configurations with the appropriate syntax highlighting. And we did it. Now you will be able to change their configs. The validator is currently working in beta mode and the first time all changes will be checked in manual.


For many customers, the question backuping is of particular importance, therefore, our attitude to backup is very thorough and gentle. I have been told that we produce it weekly and monthly. Plus, in Elasticweb have the opportunity to make backups of content nodes from the users and everyone will be able to automate this process with a specified interval.

Offline limit

Judging by the comments to the first article, some met the idea Elasticweb with some caution, for fear of losing money because of a sharp jump in attendance or bots. So just want to say that we returned at the first request of the client, without tedious procedures. We have also added an offline limit — if you exceed the specified amount Noda will be transferred offline. Data, of course, will not disappear and you will be able to activate the node.


There is good news for owners of studios and CMS — we have significantly expanded API for working with Elasticweb and continue working on it. You can create your own conditions for your customers in terms of functionality of our hosting absolutely for free.

New interface

Finally happy to announce that we have completed a full redesign of the control panel, trying to unify it with the main page. We hope to work with the new interface you will be nicer and easier:

Old page hosting accounts

Old page view domains

Thank you all for your attention. With impatience will wait from you of criticism, questions and suggestions. I hope that next time you hear about Elasticweb, as was the company from our corporate blog.

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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