Events on Habrahabr

Propose to implement a feature, which, I think, will make habroloma was just as happy as Schwartz on this photo.

1. On the main page link is added to "events" (e.g., before "personal mail").

2. This page contains a list of items (for each user unique), with the format: "title of the topic" (link), "author", "comment text".

3. The list is updated in three cases:
a) created a user commented on the subject
b) review user someone said (if the topic is not created by the user)
in) the topic to which the user has subscribed, commented

For example, Peter kommentiruet my topic ", was Released Fedora 13"; in this case I receive the event ("Released Fedora 13", "Peter", "And under Slackware it will start?").

4. To subscribe to the topic to add the button "follow comments" to each topic, for example in line with the weight of the news/date etc To unsubscribe from the topic — also the button.

5. When prompted, say, five events, the link "events" becomes "events (5)". After opening the link, it turns back to "events".

6. Right advertise.

7. ???


This feature was implemented some time ago on, and was very comfortable. Communication made easier → communicating become more. I know that in "site settings" Habrahabr can be done to "events" a) and b) referred to mail, but it is not very convenient.

There is a suspicion that the events page will become the most visited among the registered habroloma after the main.

P. S. it looks Like in H2:

The toolbar on the main:

The page with events:
Article based on information from


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