HungryBread startup about dinners in good company

Hello Habru and its inhabitants!

I want to tell you about the start Hungry Bread, devoted to business Lunches.

The purpose of the project is to make the business lunch is not just eating in the middle of the day and a nice event, full of new impressions.

First, we help you to choose a place for lunch. For this we have a detailed map of business Lunches in Moscow.

Secondly, we think lunch is the perfect occasion for meeting new people. And the more encounters, the fuller life. So we did our project in the form of social network. On our website you can post your offer to have lunch or to respond to an existing offer.

And it is nice to have lunch with an old friend, who turns out to be working nearby, and you haven already seen.

Add each other to friends and dine together at a convenient time. You can even make a calendar of enjoyable Lunches for the week ahead.

We hope that our service will help someone to find a soul mate, someone- new friends or useful contacts for business.

Can't wait to get acquainted with all of you on business Lunches.

The mobile version we don't have, it makes sense to go only with the desktop.


On the page "Restaurants" — map with restaurants where there is a business lunch. View new places near your work or find Lunches where you were hungry.

On the page "Lunches" — the map is already created Lunches that you can respond. View Lunches with you — people who are ready to dine. Create your "lunch" and it will appear on this map.

How to find where to eat

Specify in finding your coordinates, time of lunch and how much you are willing to pay for it.

And choose what you like best. You can view detailed information about the restaurant, user comments, phone number and a link to the site.

To find, with whom to dine, click “Create lunch”.

How to find someone to eat

1. Placed their offers

In the window “Create lunch” fill tab “who” and “When”.

Create a lunch and see it on the page “Lunches”.

And other people saw your offer, can respond.

2. Respond to Lunches

You can respond to already available offers for lunch. On the tab "Lunches" look active deals and click "to have Lunch with him / her".

3. Invite other users

You can view pages of other users and to personally invite them to lunch. By clicking "find people and restaurants" in the lower left corner of the page you see a list of all site users:

By clicking "Invite for lunch" and selecting the prompt, the place and time you can personally invite interesting man:

Social network

Follow the activity of your friends and new proposals meetings in the tape.

Once logged in the user page, you can add friends, view pictures of him, send him a message, know where he usually eats, and, of course, to invite him to dinner.

Base restaurants

At the moment the site contains over 1400 restaurants with business Lunches. If you know about lunch, which is not in our database, you can add it by clicking the "Add place" at the bottom of the website:

After checking the moderator added the restaurant will appear on the site.


We hope our project will help many of you new look at their lunch time.
We are waiting for you on the Hungry Bread to one day meet in interesting and new lunch!
Article based on information from


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