Level up in dispatches in 1 day

Email marketing in Russia is relatively young. Many already understand the importance of newsletters to increase customer loyalty, but very few people have this tool mastered. On the topic of email marketing consultations, webinars, dedicate this section at conferences on Internet marketing...
And if you have made at least one mailing, and if you distinguish the concept of "sending" and "spam", then this article is for you!


Amazingly, despite the growing interest in Email marketing, is still outside the capitals not have any specialized conferences dedicated to this topic. To correct this flagrant misunderstanding going in the capital of the Urals. Yekaterinburg is a large city, and there, on 16 October 2015 (i.e. very soon!) held specialized conference on Email marketing and now we'll tell you why we are certainly going back ourselves (the whole team), and why it's important to be you.

3 years Ekaterinburg (although IT location is unimportant, especially among customers – something that is not regional, there are not from Russia) company Inbox Marketing seriously engaged in literate newsletters and conducts seminars on this topic. Co-founder and managing partner of Daniil Silantyev – a welcome speaker at any event relating to the topic of email marketing, he recently appeared with the invited report on the profile of the conference in Kiev, and decided to organize our own. In General, we can confidently say that the organizers of this conference not just "the topic", and some of the best in this thread. It's first.


second, looking at conference program, it becomes obvious that these people have a lot to learn. In one day you can hear the strongest speakers – representatives of the largest email platforms and companies that send out millions of messages per month. Just list: GetResponce, Get-in-Post, SendPulse, eSputnik, EmailSoldiers, Badoo, E96. And issues will be covered very different way to legal aspects associated with the mailings.

third, the conference gathers people interested and understand the importance of proper email marketing. This is the best place for networking with colleagues and questions to the speakers and the presentations themselves, promise to be useful from a practical point of view. And of course, you can specifically ask your, hurts those who really can suggest a solution. One day can give not one, not two, but dozens of practical techniques that will allow you to more effectively communicate with your customers.

It is worth to visit Ekaterinburg which is famous for its IT community and is not only the capital of the Russian SaaS, but also the birthplace of Russian Pycon, a conference venue DUMP, and now claims the title of pioneer in the field of email marketing.

I almost forgot the main thing! 16 September (inclusive) are maximum discount!



We – Yes!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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