"Mail of Russia" invites private carriers and implements GLONASS

The deplorable situation with the delivery of goods and correspondence, using "Mail of Russia" is well known. Almost everyone had to wait for a parcel from an online store for 2-3 months instead of 2-3 weeks.

The new management of "Mail of Russia" resorted to an extraordinary method to unload warehouses and to accelerate the delivery of correspondence. They decided to outsource some directions, that is, to hire carriers. Perhaps the private companies will help to correct the situation.

The company will hold a special contest which will be played on 77 main and 122 intra-site route, reported today in interview RBC Daily Deputy General Director of "Mail of Russia" Alexey Skatin, which now coordinates the work of the FSUE in the field of logistics. To the Manager of this five years of experience in managing logistics in the company "Baltika". Judging by the assortment of stores in every Russian city, Alex copes with the work. It remains to wish him well in his new position.

"All transportation carried out by our company can be divided into two categories — transportation by own and hired transport, — said Alexey skutin. — Owned by "Mail of Russia" there are large-capacity trucks for regional routes, but the bulk of the fleet still is malotonnazhnye transport, which is engaged in delivery from post offices to offices. All our postal fleet of about 15,000 units." According to him, the leadership of the "Mail" there is no purpose to replace private transport, and competition, which will soon be announced, should you involve a third party company.

"Mail of Russia" now has several third-party carriers. The contracts end in December, after which they will be able to take part in the competition along with other applicants. Now services for road transport "Mail of Russia" have company "PEC", LLC "First transkompaniya", JSC "lorry", LLC "Voronezh-Auto".

Each lot is the direction from point a to point B. Who will offer the lowest fare on the route and will meet the requirements, is the winner. "There is no ceiling on the number of participants in the contest no, I think we can attract a few dozen companies," says the new Manager.

"I think later we will make obligatory condition of the presence of GLONASS sensors in each involved machine, in the future, was able to connect all the machines to our dispatch center," — said Deputy General Director of "Mail of Russia". Probably, in this case, each user will be able at any time to see the location of the parcel, even if she is in the back of a moving car.

PS most Likely, in December 2013 the law on privatization of "Mail of Russia" will be submitted for consideration to the state Duma. The share sale will bring several billion dollars, which is used for cut modernization.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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