MODx. Introduction

This is a very functional, extensible, and convenient content management system (CMS). The developers have positioned it, even as system of development of sites (CMF). This new generation engine, which was originally designed for creating projects Web 2.0


Main features

  1. Using Ajax (as in a user and administrative part)
  2. the
  3. Opensource (GNU GPL)
  4. the
  5. Built-in mechanism of SEO (manage keywords and meta tags)
  6. the
  7. Built-in support for CNC
  8. the
  9. user Management on the website with possibility of their grouping
  10. the
  11. Binding documents to groups of users
  12. the
  13. Unlimited nested and the number of documents
  14. the
  15. Support for various document types
  16. the
  17. Convenient document tree
  18. the
  19. Manage settings for documents
  20. the
  21. resulting HTML code is completely under control. All templates can be easily changed
  22. the
  23. Flexible standard tools for creating menus, lists and forms



PHP 4.3.10 or later. PHP 5 also difficulties not seen. In the near future, the developers promise a special opportunity for PHP 5.
MySQL 4.1.x or older.
Direct hands



Will delve a little deeper, to make it even clearer.



MODx has a built-in library Scriptaculous, Prototype, Mootools. Ajax is widely used in the backend. In the document list initially shows only the necessary items (parent documents), and then optionally loaded with additional (subsidiary). The list is dynamically updated when you edit, create, delete, and publish documents.



An excellent mechanism for managing keywords. There is a common controlled list of keywords, which are then each document is simply selected. This engine is already second all on the page, without any code additions.



No additional add-ons is not necessary. You just include the use of CNC and enjoy. The default document number (ID), if you do not set a special alias. For English-language articles you can use the automatic creation of alias on the header.

Additionally, MODx allows you to specify the necessary extension for pages (such as .html).


Users, groups and documents

Developers have divided all users into the Web user (who uses the site) and managers (who manages the website). Rights management based on roles and easily managed.

Each user can belong to one or several groups.

Each document can be defined in a group of documents (one or more).

For each user group you can define one or more groups of documents.

Thus, it is possible to determine what documents to use and what to do with them. Very flexible!



Documents can be in HTML format, but also css, javasript, xml and any other that you can determine the appropriate type (Content-Type). Then, the documents can be converted to other required format. So you can make a library that stores all the books in XML format, and gives visitors with in any convenient format (doc, pdf, txt, rtf, etc.). In sites on MODx, you can see that the css and javasript also make separate documents that they were easy to manage.

A separate document type is a link which can point to external pages, so the inner document.


document Tree

All documents are arranged in a General tree. Thanks to Ajax it loads only the visible documents, and at the opening of a branch quickly loads additional. The tree shows the document type, published or not whether to display the menu. The right button brings up a context menu. Deleted documents are displayed crossed out, and finally removed with a special button.

document Settings

It's just a wonderful thing! You never appeared in my head thought "Oh, and would like to add some author's note for the article, well below every article it was yours"? MODx offers a perfect option. The documents (and honestly — templates) you can add any number of options/widgets. Not just a text field, and a very diverse list of options: a text string, a field with a visual editor, the drop-down list, attach a file, link, etc.

Want to add to the documents the cost? Easily!



The patterns largely determine the ease of development. Who tried to change the standard output of articles in Joomla and not just – understand. MODx templates stores all in one place and provides a tool for management. Convenient and simple template language makes the work easy and fast.
For example:
[(site_name)] | [*pagetitle*]

Everything is clear, right?

For a variety of extensions have their own small templates, which can also be easily managed.


Standard tools

In its standard configuration, we offer several very flexible extension:

the Ditto – responsible for generating various lists of pages, with pagination. Allows you to display as plain list of documents, sorted by key word (tag cloud). Allows you to use any additional parameters and print the name of the author, number of comments, cost of goods etc.

the Wayfinder – a tool to organize the menu. Enables an organization as a simple menu, multi-level and dropdown. Can be easily changed.

the eForm – controls the operation of the forms in MODx. Allows you to organize any form and the treatment for it. May just send you mail information you entered, or the process for obtaining some result (new document to create filled information).

the Jot a mechanism for collecting user comments.



MODx is still not Mature enough to the first version, but this is a serious adult instrument. It allows you to quickly create complex sites and instantly simple.


a Little fly

It is worth mentioning some negative aspects of MODx that was seen.
  1. Performance degrades as the number of documents. This becomes very apparent when documents about 5000. All beginning very long time to work, in spite of Ajax.
  2. the
  3. Not serious. They actively appear of course, but the fact remains. Still no solutions for e-shop. Recently appeared a solution but yet to use it is not possible.
  4. the
  5. Rake with the Russian language manifest themselves periodically. Then kodyrovkoy problems, some extensions do not support. The same AjaxSearch (search) is very revealing don't want to work.
    However these moments actively, and direct hands always come to the rescue. We wish MODx to solve all the bad moments and the good to do more.




the MODx Official website

Bright working example: DeForum
Article based on information from


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