Results distribution boards. Upgrade stock good

Hello, Harcane!*VQ5Z*GZClBfq8O6Xqoc4FgyLmY/t2xfXW*b/pLNakil70J2BgItRALRcbqLdyvvbQaL48y3inrmcx91lp3jlslzotrqwaq2odzccwu06qskcdishi4yplycjlvqqqcvywecs-&pixel_id=1000020818

previous post we (the project team lexi) has announced that they want to find someone willing to take our fee, which for a year and a half of life began to startup unnecessary. Here's the list:

  1. Olimex A13 — 2 pieces
  2. the
  3. Olimex A20 Micro
  4. the
  5. Raspberry pi 2
  6. the
  7. Wandboard Freescale i.MX6


Below is the results and the launch of the global campaign on donation boards on habré.

So, the question was asked, "Who? For what?" and was answered, "Me! To...". Honestly, we didn't expect such a fuss about this modest actions! In the aggregate for all our communities in social networks gathered 193 applicants. So we rummaged through the cabinets and were able to expand the list of the following treasures:

  1. Arduinoimage
  2. the
  3. Raspberry 1image

We honestly made up of the Excel file the sign type "Name | what | Hardware" and went through it several times, choosing the most interesting projects. Among them are projects a swing to the future commercialization, and homemade mini-projects.

The results of the selection:
the the the the the the the the
Board Name what Comments our technical Director Roman Zhukov
Olimex A13 victorr I Want to make a homemade bluetooth speaker (with a homemade wooden case) as an alarm clock had me up in the morning, streaming classical music from soundcloud or any online radio :) We opted for a very trendy project and hope you will make new interactive column.
Olimex A13 Mulin Working on a new 3D printing technology (Photoelectret initiation of electrostatic transfer, dispersion), allowing you to print passive and semi-active electronics in the composition of the product (resistors, capacitors, inductors, electromagnetic actuators, ferromagnetic memory elements). Actually part of the mechanics already printed on a FDM 3D printer, the part used from other devices. Arduino as a control, is not suitable because of the extremely weak performance (and it is necessary to calculate and to turn the engines and monitored for several cameras output at the same time). In fact the extreme shortage of funds to electronics and stretches very much time, and investors are not able to work. Would be very grateful for Olimex 13 or 20. I then complete the article with the description of the results.
And thanks for such shares, and good luck to all "contestants" ;)
As we understand, you want to make a new 3D printer to print electronics and to apply tsilindricheskoi coordinate system with the Delta-mechanism. We could not resist the enormity of your task, and fully support you as our gift. We will be glad, if you publish an article which will share the experience of your work. I hope you intelligently employ the resources of our Board.
Olimex A20 Micro zhogar Olimex A20 Micro, for my weather station (, as a unit (device) of sensors then connect to the draft national monitoring ( national monitoring has generated a lot of interesting elektroproekt. They are very helpful community and we join his support and give you a cost. We wish you success in the project and hope to receive from you the publication of its results
Raspberry pi 2 Deonix Demich Need a raspberry, are developing robots with a laser for the cat to be attached to the ceiling and to work autonomously with the ability to control via bluetooth from the computer and smartphone. It is also planned to implement Avtomatiki regime with the recognition of the camera image, for this purpose, for the most part and need a raspberry.
Wandboard Freescale i.MX6 mikkal Hello!
Develop engine control unit of the vehicle. Our goal is the finished block from scratch. We use the experience of the guys with power on stm32(wrote on Habre). Chip tuning boards trucks leave behind and move to new goals and tasks, the solution of which could help us a great and powerful Wandboard Freescale i.MX6 or Olimex A13. Read more about his progress here will tell you, having accumulated more material for thought.

Control unit from Denso.
Sorry for the quality, write to the intercom.
Tuning cars — do it! Nothing to add. Controller IMX.6 is well suited for use in cars. It would be great to see your article about the development of the project in the future in the blog.
Arduino Oleg Bolshakov. Hello! Emoticon "smile" building electromobility for children to ride in the country, 1.5 KW of power, LiFePO-battery, a real steering wheel, real seats, samovarova frame, cool appearance, the middle of the summer would have been like to ride. Planning on using an Arduino or Raspberry to do email.the dashboard on a TFT displaychoice to display speed, rpm, current, voltage, battery power and "coolness" that kids liked, and was like "Tesla" Smiley "smile" Congratulations. Your idea is the most environmentally friendly, practical and useful, and most importantly — fun. Good luck to you and your children in this endeavor. We love hearing about the results.
Raspberry 1 Nikita Tomin Hello. I'm in the process of upgrading a musical instrument — a laser harp. Did a thesis, there are many ideas but no opportunities. I would like to get rid of wires and make the device independent from a PC. Make wide range of sounds, but are not limited to 7 notes. To make a convenient interface so that the musician can quickly switch between different sounds. And the most important thing to make this thing affordable for musicians. One of your boards would help me to implement this idea. This is the most worthy humanitarian point of view idea. We'd love to give you this card and look forward to your stories about the progress of your project. Good for you.

The Board will soon see their new owners! We wish you successful realization of all your plans! Well, we're moving!

Getting those two hundred applications, we thought. Can't we have some gathered some junk boards? Maybe someone wants to follow our example, if you see an interesting project that can be maintained?
So we decided to expand our action: we publish a list of all applications and invite all hargitay to join the exchange and donation boards! If you want to give unnecessary electronics in good hands for interesting projects, you can either directly write to the authors of the applications or contact the author post, if there is no desire to choose good hands.

In addition, if some project you are interested you can join it by combining your efforts.

We also offer other readers of the post to write in the comments what they need. Thereby we add to the list. If you have no way of commenting on posts on habré, write under the post Facebook. Good luck!

All comments have been migrated by preserving the author's spelling.

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Name what
1 Dark_Veter would be very grateful for the Raspberry pi 2 :-) For the transfer and subsequent experiments with Smart home
2 vogel Hello, I would like to get a Raspberry pi 2 or Olimex A20 Micro.
3 Punk_Joker Olimex A13 if you can. Very interested in the direction of a Smart house and other home automation. On samostoyatelno the purchase of iron for experimentation, to me as a student, money is unfortunately not enough.
4 Sinucs Hello, I would like the Raspberry pi 2.
The device I need to learn the basics. I have never did such things was not working, but I would like to try their hand. I promise that in the future will re-given the same piece of metal to the needy and hungry person!
5 AnotherAnkor would Take pokey for cleaning of the bot.
It is difficult to understand whether there is enough computing power, but to try I would like.
6 teamfighter Olimex Olimex A20 or A13
Would be grateful for this device.
I want to make your on-Board computer in the car, with GPS, GSM and other joys of life)
7 AllSeeingEye Raspberry Pi 2 if you can :)

I want to try to make a system of aerial photographs, like this:

but radio-controlled aircraft
8 LeonidZ Doing robotics, I would be grateful for any hardware, especially with WiFi on Board.
Not as begging, explain everything and I'll tell you: make an automatic system in the country + do elementary circuitry and programming with son and daughter from time to time. Various "smart" toys on the remote control or control from your tablet their unrealistic please )
9 Spin7ion develop utopilot for model, any help is greatly appreciated )
10 Attary Raspberry pi 2 if they are still there of course=)

For graduate school make the system of technical vision. Just really need a Central brain, the Raspberry pi 2 is just perfect. In particular because of its wild community, than can not boast of rest of the competitors.
11 mcleod095 Where did You been?
I myself have bought Malinka 2 for the watering system.
Now trying to figure this out and piece together.
12 alexpp would Like to Malinka for system climate control in the aquarium room — to entrust to her the regulation of temperature of air and water, management of supply and exhaust ventilation, to include lighting in aquariums, keep with it graphics of humidity and temperature.
13 sub_null I would be grateful if you give something more powerful than the A20, if you have such available. Wanted to try in your home project interactive floor. After the experiment, you can hand it back.
14 siemdi Good day would like to have a rasp or something similar, are porting their software on *NIX system, while the choice fell on a UTM-like devices... this is my article
Soft after a while needs to be replicated in a short time on kolichesvto 50 PC(software+hardware)
The basis is Nettop with Win7+OpenCV
Win7 is not quite kosher for industrial production and duplication, so do the porting)
I would be grateful for ANY response)
15 MooM_IYD Stand in a queue for the Raspberry pi 2 for the building of analogue Embilight, although there is already a lot of wishing.
And all convincing in my opinion a post with interactive floor :) would be a poll, would have voted for him.
The most convincing in his presentation and look are passionate about baby feet )))
16 victorr Raspberry pi 2
I want to make a homemade bluetooth speaker (with a homemade wooden case) as an alarm clock had me up in the morning, streaming classical music from soundcloud or any online radio :)
17 Klukonin Wandboard Freescale i.MX6.

Make mom a silent computer.
18 andreili Olimex A20 — intend to integrate Cubieboard1 in your "smart house" with TouchScreen'Ohm 4". Task — network monitoring modules at home, gathering information about their condition in a database, filopovic (WD Green 3TB) for your home network tarantocalcio (Transmission, etc).
To odnoyadernike not very cheerfully it moves, and 2 the core — have a very good feel.
19 Carry Olimex A13 or A20
Want to make broadband SDR + spectrum analyzer + oscilloscope (perhaps generator + transmitter) as a standalone device (no PC).
20 art1415926535 I would Like the Raspberry pi 2 for teaching.
21 ignat99 That's a good initiative, maybe all will be more useful if the Board will get people who will be able to return pull requests in the open part of the code for Lexy. All would have been useful examples and drivers for the system are made in this gland. IMHO
22 TelnovOleg Good day!
Will suit any platform with ARM processor for the development of RTOS.
The OS is planned for the Forth language for maximum portability and the possibility of its use when embedded Forth hardware processor of its own design in the FPGA.
23 jodas Good afternoon.
I help the guys from EMLID to test the autopilot for the aircraft on the basis of the Navio +. I have a Raspberry Pi B+ which passed the tests, but now the team has updated the code for the second option, which improves performance and response time. I would like to continue the tests at the second raspberry. In turn I am willing to give my raspberry which is B+ as well in the community.
As proof, put your article on Habre
24 Lovesuper Addicted to DIY!
It would be cool to get a Raspberry PI 2 to create the first quadracopter for me. And my last project (The Real Smart Kicker) on the Arduino can be seen here:
The remaining project information can be seen here: (in my video, for example)
25 zhogar Olimex A20 Micro, for my weather stations, as a unit (device) of sensors with a subsequent connection to the project national monitor.
26 deepone rpi2 It would be nice to stick it in the router, taxiing to esp2866 those that at home deluhi legs twitch, and of free plus, the router at the front door, let the temperature it measures and the camera turns.
27 link0ln Of all that there is, is pleasing to the eye only rpi2b, maybe the most productive device.
Obviously not everyone will get for free, and in China you can order for 2K as an option
28 Mulin Working on a new 3D printing technology (Photoelectret initiation of electrostatic transfer, dispersion), allowing you to print passive and semi-active electronics in the composition of the product (resistors, capacitors, inductors, electromagnetic actuators, ferromagnetic memory elements). Actually part of the mechanics already printed on a FDM 3D printer, the part used from other devices. Arduino as a control, is not suitable because of the extremely weak performance (and it is necessary to calculate and to turn the engines and monitored for several cameras output at the same time). In fact the extreme shortage of funds to electronics and stretches very much time, and investors are not able to work. Would be very grateful for Olimex 13 or 20. I then complete the article with the description of the results.
29 elve If any of the boards will pull the possibility of recording with 4 cameras, I would like it. The essence of the project — the flight data recorder in the car. In addition to the video, he needs to fix the speed, coordinates and supplied to the vehicle lights (turn signal, stop, etc.). He also needs to monitor the engine status, log, and output an indication if there is a serious problem.
Ideally of course it would have to cross with OSM tracker.

All this will be very useful for the analysis of the accident, for example.

If none of the boards will not pull, tell me that which is with small size and modest power will be able to take this load.
30 totuin would be grateful for Raspberry pi 2 for the project FLProg. Will be able to support this Board.
While the project is only implemented support for Arduino boards, and a small support for Intel Galileo. Arduino won't cope with voice control. Platform capabilities are quite limited. Therefore, I look for more serious charges. But since the project is not commercial, then there is no financial ability to buy them. All the hardware that is supported by the program submitted by users. I hope with the appearance I have a more serious boards, it will be possible appearance and advanced function blocks.
31 sim-dev I would like only to do Internet radio as a Supplement to regular radio... With management on CAN and indication on the normal display...
32 vvsh I would Like the Raspberry pi 2, if there are more of course, to develop a quadcopter, I want to use as either a primary controller (although the articles I doubt that you will receive real-time), or separately for video capture and Wi-Fi.
33 mikkal Hello!
Develop engine control unit of the vehicle. Our goal is the finished block from scratch. We use the experience of the guys with power on stm32(wrote on Habre). Chip tuning boards trucks leave behind and move to new goals and challenges which helped us a lot would be a powerful and fleshy Wandboard Freescale i.MX6 or Olimex A13. Read more about his progress here will tell you, having accumulated more material for thought.
Control unit from Denso.
Sorry for the quality, write to the intercom.
34 dlinyj Make a Wi-Fi radio, it is very necessary Olimex A20 (although in principle any suitable shawl 1 GHz, powered by 5 volts) Radio is ready for implementation, now the router is done, but it is not enough. Here's a picture.
Example of work:

I would appreciate the help!
35 TimID Good day!
I run student project laboratory. University.
Of course, the equipment we have, but also there is always the issue of "consumables" (controllers, drivers, motors, etc), since dismantling the "old" device for a "new" — not the best idea.
Soon will start the new academic year — and then it will need many new parts. At least for projects in computer vision and robotics.
We would welcome any device, but Wandboard Freescale i.MX6 under the task of creating a "full" mobile robots is suitable.
Thank you.
36 GrakovNe Hello, if you give and take away Raspbery PI2. Appointment, home alarm system with SMS-informing, torrenticola, music and radio center. And I'm planning to merge weather data to OpenWeatherMap, so that Malinka will be loaded to the eyeballs
37 spot62 a Group of terrorists activists accept the gift Wandboard Freescale i.MX6 to a control system for ballistic missile of their activist goals.
Please do not refuse.
38 Derailed Good day!

Need a Raspberry pi 2 for the following projects. One is a system of monitoring of a network of wind turbines that requires high-performance mobile computing center. Want to use Raspberry pi 2.

The second project is also on the Raspberry pi 2. Developing a mobile, easy-to-assemble measuring complex for mobile transport platforms (at this stage electric). You need to analyze the efficiency of the complex, dynamic characteristics (especially for vehicles with 4-6 independent driving wheels — each in its own engine) and rendering/saving of graphs measured values in real time.
39 nomadmoon I need Olimex A13 to enslave the world.
40 neko_nya Functionality is the display that is set on an arbitrary set, and have numeric values, usually the set of real numbers or of complex numbers.
Not to be confused with functionality — a collection of possible uses or possible actions to be performed to some object (program, product, product, specialist, etc).

When a blunder highlighted a striking design, it hurts the eyes twice as strong.
41 Zamirbek Abdyldayev Hello, my name is Zamirbek. I'm about a plat that you distribute. If you gave me a raspberry pi 2, I would have made him a server through which it would be possible to manage smart devices would connect to it a bunch of sensors and would show on any website in real time.
Want to put on Raspberry Pi Linux and a web server. Using wi-fi "smart devices" will "communicate" with the server, and receive/transmit data. Basic examples of use:
— turn off lighting via a smartphone + the calculating of energy expended for further analysis of use of light.
— open/close the door with your smartphone
— smart intercom, the camera will transmit the image of the guest, and the program will recognize a face against a database, and notify who it came from (using the Microsoft face detection api)
— automatic watering flowers (we have a lot of house plants, and it takes a long time to water them all). Humidity sensors will give the signal when to water the plant, and the server will send the notice which plants have been watered, or that is over the water in the tank.
— smart meter (it will be automatically once a month to send readings from the controllers via SMS)
— show temperature indoors and outdoors.
42 Vadim Apple Make a robot that will translate grandmothers across the road, help the poor, to heal people from incurable diseases and who will save the planet from global warming and ozone holes.
43 Sergey Silemin will Make the alarm system on house and garage + 4 thermometer.
44 Roman Tyulpanov the Eldest son of that garbage did not suffer and continued to get involved in robotics.
45 Vasily Moskvichev That need Raspberry. That's right and all. Two years being lazy and not buying. And so will the incentive to study the platform and experiments)
46 Vyacheslav Trukhnii on-Board computer based on the Raspberry pi 2 in your favorite car. There will be music, NAV, climate control. Already have a project, but money for the. If you're lucky, all that will be done, I will upload to youtube channel — Vyacheslav Chandwad. Thank you for your attention.
47 Vasyl Sereda would like on the basis of Raspberry Pi 2 (only with this platform is normally a sign) to make the interactive computer for the car brother, as a gift to the birthday))), it would bombazine, and brother happy). Have touchscreen display — Chinese, maybe get a little more later to run it.
48 Evgeny Novikov Good afternoon, I would like to make a smart controller for greenhouse + OPS, will be important for summer residents .
49 Vadim Potapovich I'm not for global things... So, to introduce daughters to the fact that I was very concerned about since childhood... I was able to see how computers came to light, and how they have grown... Emoticon "smile" Now it is their turn. Emoticon "smile"
50 Georgy Semenov Go to the gallery of computer evolution. if you go, please tell me that George Semenova trecolori Emoticon "wink" I was doing this project and such things as you propose to become part of history and will find a place in the exhibition:)
51 Deonix Demich Need a raspberry, are developing robots with a laser for the cat to be attached to the ceiling and to work autonomously with the ability to control via bluetooth from the computer and smartphone. It is also planned to implement Avtomatiki regime with the recognition of the camera image, for this purpose, for the most part and need a raspberry.
52 Evgeny Spasenkin I Will be glad any of these boards to embed on-Board server of the control system of bionic devices.
53 Vladimir Kireev For the Museum project ( ))))) funding, as always, not very ). In short — olimex a20 plays the video to the projector in the video change photos. The same pictures hanging on the walls around the screen. On the ceiling two spotlights, a control Protocol DMX-512 flash pictures on the walls synchronously visuals
54 Oleg Shaposhnikov Good afternoon.
I am the head of the club of intellectual games for students There is a long-cherished dream to collect a piece of a compact mobile system for festivals and training for such games as "brain-ring", "Own game", "Erudite-Quartet". Now there is a ready implementation in Java, but to carry everywhere laptop is extremely inconvenient. I think that Olimex A20 Micro or Raspberry pi 2 will be suitable for the implementation of the plan. Thank you.
55 Myer Hello. I would like to get any of the devices. Preferably the raspberry pi 2. Very necessary for the smart home. The code is already written. Write python 3 and c. Use synth from Google(stt), and tts I got from the Google translator.
Name is glor, she ported to android (using sl4a). Can play "guess the number", you may decide to go to work or not. Just ask, she answer to you accidentally .(creates from the query an array that looks for the word 'or'. Looking for address, controls the computer (uses sockets). able to maintain a conversation (all communication occurs with a person. ). Looking for articles in Wikipedia. has two modes (speaking as a person or request-response). Replenish your base of words on the go(appends to the dictionary, the key and the answer ). has the configuration file. And a lot of what she can do. Ready to give source codes. Works quickly, but all development stopped because of the need in iron. Was going to buy, but because of the dollar failed. Free money now no. Need communication with the outside world. (I want to add the possibility of control over the apartment, not only the ability to speak )
PS. Habré to write did not work, had to create an account on Facebook.
56 Alex Chepelin Want on the basis of the Pi to do a home diagnostic TV centre to collect pressure data/heart rate/stroke for "the Chronicles" in which people will note the rating of health, medications, and the system finds patterns and make assumptions — that people are getting better or worse. There will be "leaking" information about news, weather etc. I guess people are sick from simple and tangible events, it is important to massively collect, cluster and "intuichit".
57 Alex Gaskin I Have a small farm for mushroom cultivation on the basis of Raspberry Pi 2, I would like to create an automatic irrigation system, maintain indoor humidity, as well control lighting and temperature.
58 Artem Merkulov I would Like to obtain a copy of this platform from scratch. Plan to make him a weather station with a voice. You know how it goes, maybe hybrid smart home will work. Plan to try with Irridium.
And Yes, son also going to attach.
59 Monterey Jack My project — a wheeled robot scout with the support of SLAM — simultaneous mapping and navigation. The purpose of the robot to build a map of the surrounding of the space, and then to clarify it, if the map is changed, differing in this long-term change maps (disappearance/iavlenie walls, pits) and moving objects.

As the source data for the SLAM will be a single camera or stereo, depending on the computational complexity, the benefit is an approach that allows to use a single camera (monoSLAM)., so I will be grateful for Olimex A20, Raspberry pi 2 Wandboard or Freescale i.MX6.

The architecture of the system is this: "brain" — single Board computer, its task — to know the exact location and calculate the path to the next checkpoint; "spinal cord" — c STM32F3 accelerometer and compass, his task management engines use the accelerometer data to the inertial navigation system intended for the specification of the location by the method of the SLAM, also the accelerometer and compass are used to maintain the course, set speed and acceleration.

Currently ready: wheel platform (from toy RC cars is not the best option, better to build the platform yourself, or take the chassis from adults expensive RC models, but it is expensive). Prepared blocks 18560 batteries for on-Board power supply separation power supply to the brain and motors. Prepared Board with controller, motors, circuit boards, voltage regulation and charging 18650 cans (yet soldered on the breadboard, and I'm not sure what her final design). STM32F3 purchased and I currently write under her piercing
60 Artem Vasilenko I would like the raspberri PI for cleaner water — hexapod, able to move independently around the bottom and look for small debris weighing up to half a kilogram. find and drag to the specified area ashore. why pay? for smart brains Emoticon "smile"

managed smart telescope, which not only would give twist it the user with the Internet, and to lock onto certain objects from the list. to follow them (from the stars to the moving satellites). handkerchief — the same brain that would allow him to find those same objects with maps of the sky + Internet. and if the approximate coordinates of the object (satellite, for example), we would like to have a fairly quick search on this field image + capture objects and hold them in the center of the picture

Boxing for the analysis depths. box with sonar to map the bottom of the reservoir. + if screwing the imager, you can search for people (?) on the same day. how to use? to quit Boxing, it sends the data to a computer on land. on reaching the bottom, or upon receipt of all necessary rises to the top. it is possible with a simple balloon Emoticon "smile" shawl, again, for clever brains
61 Nikita Tomin Hello. I'm in the process of upgrading a musical instrument — a laser harp. Did a thesis, there are many ideas but no opportunities. I would like to get rid of wires and make the device independent from a PC. Make wide range of sounds, but are not limited to 7 notes. To make a convenient interface so that the musician can quickly switch between different sounds. And the most important thing to make this thing affordable for musicians. One of your boards would help me to implement this idea.
62 Andrey Muzychenko Need a Raspberry Pi 2 to build an Autonomous weather station and full environmental monitoring. It is necessary for smart thermostat that will control all major heat and energy nodes in the apartment. As it will be hanging SDR module for monitoring aircraft to flightradar 24. In the future, I will move it as a heart for the radar on the basis of two RTL-SDR receivers. Here the solution: I Hope you're interested..) On the savings, I can buy a dozen of solar cells, battery, sensors, and SDR dongles. Ideally, the walk would be to the meteorological radar. But there are many nuances and I have not enough knowledge and experience. So I'm moving from smaller to larger. I already had raspberry the first series, but she refused. It was implemented the home cloud and the time-optimizer. She even became a winner on Here's the post: on Malin hung a Robotic Arm ideally, then combine it all in the project "Core". A system that will to manage all this with a Raspberry Pi)
63 Dmitry Konstantinov I would Like the raspberries for the future graduation project. The purpose is the development roboticians claws ("clubs", like Tony stark) to automate some "boring" and "tedious" processes (in my case, the etching of about 40 cards).
64 Michael disfavor I Want the Raspberry pi 2 to run it on a small managed via the Internet balloon with a camera and invade the territory of the United States, to remove all their secret development, and then to return home.
65 Eugene Karpenko I would Like to create a device for monitoring the condition of equipment
— oops, etc.
To collect statistics from the temperature to the battery capacity, to give it all for 2G\3G\WiFi\etc in case of accidents. Also used as an indicator of theft / accidents
66 Andriy Romanenko could use a scarf to make Autonomous garden. Control of the main parameters (humidity, temperature, fertilizer, light). Stream of the information in thingiverse. Plus you can take pictures with some interval and sculpt time lapse.
67 Kalina Lyudmila I'd love to RPi. In my head for a couple of years spinning compact the modular concept and sometimes carry a multitool. Need an oscilloscope is a plug — in to be included., you need a fitness tracker is a plug — in, hang sensors. The right tool pentest — connected wafer-whistle. Management plan from a smartphone. With the base rail. Article based on information from


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