Rule on Habre

Dear habradi!

I think none of us likes the situation today on habré. I like it, believe me, do not like. And I really don't want similar cases have occurred in the future, so let you are married.

I want everyone to carefully read, memorized and understood all of the following:
1. Habré was not, and will not be political or any other censorship;
2. We never edit or remove from the publication database and user comments.
3. We can't keep track of compliance with the rules of each active Habrachelovek, but aspire to it;
4. On habré there are the rules, with every user of the resource;
5. The offender shall be punished by blocking the account for a certain number of days. After the expiration of the user account rasplachivaetsya;
6. Account suspension occurs only for breaking the rules. However, we do not pay attention to the position of the user in the ranking, his status habré or beyond. Before Habraparty all equal.

A separate paragraph would like to draw General attention to ban discussion of the rules of the site and management actions. It is for ignoring this rule today, have been banned several users. I'd like to stress that the introduction of this rule caused solely by a desire to rid Hebraist of meaningless skirmishes and the subsequent bans. You disagree with the actions of the administration? Write to us, and not to inflame the debate on the website! We will promptly and completely respond adequately to any complaints that come to the address but we will block the accounts of those who Express these claims on the most Habre, breaking the rules and provoking the violation of others. Agree, much better to spend the time to publish and read interesting topics than the infamous controversy and the showdown.

On this I ask all to calm down and get back to business. Thanks to all.
Article based on information from


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