Screencast on Node.JS

Hello world!

If you're a developer, you probably know: most useful documentation and screencasts is done in English.

Of course, even in English a lot of things outdated, you have to dig, but Russian — it's much worse. Much just yet.

I would like to change this situation, with your help, at least in terms of Node.JS. If the project is successful, it may not.

so, you plan on screencast Node.JS in Russian.

this is a competent and modern with the latest versions of the libraries.

The working title screencast: "Node.JS" it will be devoted to the development and proper use of servers Node.JS.

Its goal is not the analysis of all-all features and modules Node.JS because many of them are used very rarely.

on the other hand, we thoroughly analyze the key features and tools for creating web services, including the internal features of the server itself Node.JS important to his work.

Program screencast

  1. Introduction to Node.JS
  2. the
  3. Module
  4. the
  5. package Manager NPM
  6. the
  7. Some built-in modules
  8. the
  9. Node.JS as the web server
  10. the
  11. Development and debugging under Node.JS
  12. the
  13. Architecture: event cycle Node.JS
  14. the
  15. the Management server process
  16. the
  17. Working with files
  18. the
  19. Potoki
  20. the
  21. Onlin-chat Node.JS
  22. the
  23. Database MongoDB
  24. the
  25. Mongoose for friendship Node.JS and MongoDB
  26. the
  27. the Basics of designing an asynchronous API
  28. the
  29. Comfortable work with the asynchronous
  30. the
  31. the Express Framework for creating websites
  32. the
  33. the Website for the Express use of the database MongoDB + Mongoose
  34. the
  35. Technology, COMET, Socket.IO
  36. the
  37. Integration of Socket.IO with Express app

Go to item details of the program by clicking on it above. Here she is shown briefly to save space.

Screencast already thought out, but during the recording, in order to better presentation, this program can be slightly modified and expanded, especially the last paragraphs, which are here given brief, but very intense.
Features screencast:
  • Latest versions of all major libraries. Say "no" to the outdated tutorials.
  • the
  • intuitive demonstrations, including "advanced" topics.

by the Way, the first video is on Youtube:

Support screencast

I'm happy to write such castes. It will be a good quality recording and the level of presentation.

But is it necessary? The question I asked you.

If you want to screencast was support him.

  • Amount of support — from 900 rubles (~28$), for the developer it is more than acceptable, if not symbolic. So it's not a question of financial capability, and desire to screencast to support the creation of quality educational material Node.JS.
  • the
  • If you want to support a larger amount — well, I'm grateful to you and will offer their support in the study Node.JS.

If you want more, I will expand the screencast, please add it to source code, FAQ and more topics.

Support the creation of quality screencast on Node.JS!

For relatively little money you get a good training materials and show to all potential authors that their creation is in demand!

Scoring will be on June 18.

To support the establishment of screencast and become more familiar with the program, please visit
Article based on information from


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