Service exchange of ideas history: the "start-up"

In August of last year, I sat, therefore, and counting the various niches, so that in the most successful of them to start their business — who among us does not dream about a great passive income, let him first cast a stone at me.

Why my attention was drawn precisely on the concept of "niche"? Because many training-type "build your business in 1 day and 100 rubles" are built on such marketing taking market entry as "definitely" and he really is one of the most affordable ways to start their own business, which I, being at that time a student of MBA program (and now the holder of a relevant diploma*) knew from the course of marketing.

I myself am in my profession "slabotochnik", that is engaged in a variety of capacities (from exploitation and technical supervision of the engineer manufacturer's installation works) various security systems such as burglar and fire alarms, CCTV system, and automation system type AMR and So on count one of the niches was the provision of services in this area.

Another area of my interest is two-wheeled machinery. Not bikes as some would think, although this is certainly useful for the health of environmentally friendly transport me interesting, and motorcycles. Judging from the above analysis, selling motorcycles via the Internet is quite common and promising idea: when the profitability of 30% to 60 sales per month with an average check of 200 000 can provide a profit of 4 million a month. Given that this is a seasonal business in the year is about 23 million!

Third generating ideas was to sell written by me for more than 8 years ago books-encyclopedia of Belgrado since that time I'm actually selling it not doing, especially if it's the co-author of the book and the author of technology for the manufacture of billiard tables. It should be noted that the actual manufacturer of billiard tables is much more profitable than selling books-technology, describing the process.

Finally let's move on to the fragment, which is highlighted by a red rectangle. It is actually "selling of ideas". As you can see, the idea of "selling ideas" I got financially very promising, especially please turn your attention to the number of queries in Yandex for keyword "idea".

Three hundred and sixty kilorubley well, it's better than weaving fair wage — I thought, and decided to try it. Painted concept (SDAs you can read the full text of the original concept), found a "programmer" — and the work began.

It is worth noting that I myself, though by education "pros" and have the relevant experience, but my knowledge and skills at the moment still is not enough to write the code, or a quality web design and layout, so I chose this work to be delegated at a reasonable cost.

A month later it turned out that fifty-thousand (pay month ruby developer with a huge discount) a bit tight and I had to invest more money. Frankly, it seemed to me that I literally threw "hundreds of oil" in the furnace of high-tech it business, and besides, I decided to do a beautiful design and hired a designer (don't ever do that).

Designer, painted for 2 months and 12.5 kilorubley here is:

that of course slightly prettier my Macapa, but not the level of Lebedev.

As is often the case, while the designer drew the design, the concept has changed twice. Therefore, paying for the work of the designer, I had his "sketches" discard and draw this here, it:

But, by the end of the year is formed more or less working version of the engine, there was a normal coder, and have two employees not counting me, continued to produce "uber-Twitter" to a resounding start. Meanwhile, the budget for the project has already exceeded 200k personal money.

The end of February I met with the project functionality, which is available at the website at the time of publication of the article. I sketched out the text of the landing page, locale, and we are within a couple of weeks all of this implemented. Now the project is cost exceeds 300 kilorubley, but also the potential it has:
— advanced system of categorization and evaluation of ideas (2 in 1)
— distribution of content, stimulating for its creation (to read the idea, you need to earn energy, published his idea)
— a fresh idea, the lack of strong competitors (kickstarter works in a different sector — funding ideas).

At the moment a new, more efficient (and last but not least more attractive) designer has already developed a logo, color scheme, is an illustration of a welcome page, and web designer prepared to impose. What is now the project can be read at home, and best of all to try, thanks to log in through social networks.

Now the project tasks include:
— create original content (ideas, users)
— promotion (this article is one way of "guerrilla marketing"),
— completion of the project (roughly 2-3 months clean time: private messages, search, categories have problems, the normal localization, subscription and notification, tape),
— access to the international level.

If anyone has any advice it will be some form of feedback (preferably constructive) — I will be glad to listen. I will also be glad to answer your questions. And if to whom the project will like — welcome! Will be one of the pioneers, the project now needs users.

* — at the moment on my personal income is not affected, but the self-esteem raises significantly.

Upd(02.05.2016). has Updated landing\welcome-page. Now much has become clear.
Article based on information from


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