"Synecology" — notes on Chinese Internet

Hi dear 哈博儿! Since 1999 I live in China, and starting from 2007 more or less actively working with the Chinese Internet (and it's not just your favorite Taobao, believe me).

Everyone has heard about Internet-censorship in China, ruthless competition, supersonic copying technologies, but in practice of the Russian companies but only a few have encountered. One has only to listen to podcasts and interviews on "echo of Moscow" or "Finam FM" in which top managers of major Russian Internet companies comment on some events of the Chinese Internet and give so much "lulz" and factoids, it's time for me to collect them into quotes and tell in the program "the Russian" at CCTV.

However, I could not take this anymore and decided to publish his notes on the Chinese Internet called "Synecology". Already published two articles, starting with a basic questions, but in the future I am going to dig deeper (especially Chinese web design, e-business and e-commerce in China, etc.). In General, welcome, or 欢迎光临!

Little text

selecting a memorable domain for Chinese

For a start, the simple truth — the Chinese are very poorly known and characterized by the Latin alphabet. Generally in China, the situation with foreign languages is not better than us. We are saved only by the fact that the Cyrillic alphabet is relatively more in common with Latin than Chinese characters. Add to this that the average Russian is somehow unable to read the Latin alphabet and put "a be CE de" in the consonant syllables. The Chinese, the Latin alphabet seems so alien and unreadable. This means that for the Chinese to memorize some Latin domain, maybe a little easier than you to remember a few unfamiliar characters.

It is therefore not surprising that China is so popular domains consisting entirely or partly of digits as numbers it is convenient to spell and remember.

Another confirmation of this simple truth — is that any reference to the advertiser's website and shows/says something like "search search..." and then the name or slogan of the advertiser.


An amusing case was in my practice, when a company has not spent enough money to hang their advertising all taxi of Beijing. In is coarsely indicated, the address of the site, a striking slogan and list of services. But the competitor of this company are up to something, did search engine optimization on your website and bought ads in Байду2 using the first slogan of the company, thus stealing from them the majority of customers. After all, when a passenger sat in a taxi, is interested in, he remembered the bright slogan, not an obscure website address and then searched for more information on the smartphone or computer via Canoe, where the first five results belonged to the hapless competitors of our company.


Foreseeing some questions will say: format (paragraphs) and the name is a small tribute to the Theme Lebedev and Maxim Spiridonov, whose "Management"/"Unitology" I've been reading and listening.

Thanks for the illustration to Alexey IRSU!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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