The Microsoft seed Fund in Russia — the next round of applications for grants ends on November 18


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In case someone missed it, the Microsoft seed Fund in Russia, is finishing another cycle of applications for grants on November 18. The details next...

A few important points that will save you time and qualifying Committee:

Projects will be reviewed only in the field of software and Internet-services;
— Funded development only (not marketing etc.);
— Must be a prototype and a clear business plan, projects at the idea stage experience not pass on the first stage of selection (not compete);
— Must be assumed to be using at least one of the strategic platforms, MS Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8. Use from both the client and the cloud is a big plus.
The Fund does not allocate funding for targeted products porting from other platforms to the MS platform. The point is that grant money must be critical for the company to bring a prototype to the stage of commercial product and to market it. And it should be obvious from the application.
— when an application requires the ID in BizSpark. The application to BizSpark you to fill in 10 minutes, but to confirm it 3-5 days. So, if you are going to apply for a grant, it is better to enroll in BizSpark in advance, and then safely fill out the forms in the grant. To the application to BIzSpark was not rejected, it is necessary to properly fill in info about your company/project. Wanting to get into free software, the cloud, new account, Windows Store and Windows Phone marketplace abound, so vague applications will be rejected.

Else —

We wish you all good luck!
Article based on information from


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