The protection system of remote banking services and electronic payments

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At the end of last year, I applied for a patent to protect a system of remote banking services for legal entities and for individuals from technical and social engineering attacks.

The idea to apply to legal persons is a specialized thin client remote working with a specialized ERP-system on the side of server maintenance.Bank with a cryptographically protected communication model. Protection is achieved through trusted zone thin client, its hardware and software that implements the idea of a trusted input and output information, as well as cryptographic protection of traffic. Thin client with the built-in browser is able to work with internal IT resources of the company.

Protection for individuals is based on the integrated chipset in smartphone chips that work directly with display, SIM card and communication module. Similarly, the implemented model of a trusted input and display data as well as cryptographic protection of traffic between the banking server and the client device.

Both happening the customer is able to work with financial tools online, without having to worry about theft from the account. Information about the payments being made to the system, will never leave the protected perimeter to handle a potentially attacked computer resources.

At the moment, I'm doing research on the topic of how banks would be interested to provide technology thin client to its customers. So I am interested in contacts with Bank officials responsible for security. Also, looking for electronics engineer to write specifications for a thin client and possibly a chip for integration into the chipset of the smartphone.
Article based on information from


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