The recycling of batteries. Public initiative

Hello, dear habracha!

More than a year ago I came across a post Correct disposal of batteries xZenon. And once caught me in this topic. Started to Google, read articles. Look for points of reception. I realized that in Russia, in principle, it's bad, and outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg they are completely absent.

I lit up this topic, contacted the guys who created the resource Sabatino.Russian. I am from Vologda, and I was interested in the question of sending the collected batteries in Moscow. The answer was: only their own. Tried to find people on this matter, because not even the car. The upshot of all this nothing. Enthusiasm eventually died out and all I basically did was stop to throw out batteries myself and collect them in a box also take the batteries from relatives and friends. Wanted to collect the batteries at the entrance, making the box, but never did.

In General, all this was forgotten. At times floated the idea that a good thing and needed. But the domestic routine, work, family are not allowed to devote themselves to this good work.
Here at the yard in 2014 and in the new year I want to do something good. Will still try to take at least some steps, one of them is already doing, writing this post.
I bring you to the attention that on the website came the vote on the initiative Disposal of batteries together with fluorescent lamps. I propose to support this initiative and please spread this information as much as they can. After all, recycling of batteries, it really is very important! Suggest to read the post Correct disposal of batteries if you want to know why this is important. I wish people stopped to pollute the environment.

related Links:

Created public document through googleDocs, offer it together to fill anyone with information on points of reception in your city.

Also harachamim xZenon was created by such a document for Ukraine. Who knows the points of reception there, replenish.

Article based on information from


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