The revolution starts today

After several years of development, thousands of hours and over a million dollars of their own funds, we proudly present the release of MODx Revoution 2.0.

What's new?

MODx Revolution MODx is brand new. It is the very essence of what makes MODx a great platform to create a variety of web sites and rich applications (RIA), allowing You to do more and do it better.

MODx Revolution 2.0 has become even more powerful. It can serve high-load sites, and also allows you to control multiple sites and subdomains from a single installation system.

The list of new features and improvements in MODx Revolution is too large to enumerate here every one of them. So, let's consider only those who, in our opinion, you will love. The more you can learn tasted MODx in business by yourself or to list of changes.
  • MODx Revolution 2.0 can be used to create much larger sites. It boasts the best performance thanks to the new caching system with the ability to fine-tune parameters. In addition, you can replace the stock caching on large-scale caching e.g. Memcached.
  • the
  • it is Now possible to extend or customize any part of the MODx core, including System settings, Users, Language, Session and many more. This opens up the ability to safely extend the base functions, and integration with third-party apps, while maintaining a comfortable support.
  • the
  • Developers can create their own extensions (add-ons) or even entire distributions using MODx transport packages (Transport Packages).
  • the
  • you Can specify different views of Your website based on almost any links. Connection opens a simple way of creating native multi-sites, subdomains, or even implement a secure kernel is running outside of MODx root directory.
  • the
  • the Developers got access to the best bug tracking and debugging using monitor kernel. The system allows detection of errors at various levels and selected external targets including ECHO, HTML, and FILE. You can also use it in the add-ons (add-ons) to audit the records of the work, report errors, or debug other needs.
  • the
  • Unified simplified MODx tags now support multi-line invocation to facilitate readability while developing, call cached of tags using other tags and cached connect native and custom modifiers (modifiers) to any element: Snippet, Chunk, TV, etc., similar to PHx in MODx Evolution, but much more efficiently.
  • the
  • a New MODx Manager is designed using the MODx API, ExtJS (Sencha) and Smarty templates, as a demonstration of the capabilities of the new core and API.
  • the
  • Users and managers can now be grouped with the detailed configuration of access rights and permissions. System users can be extended to enable external authentication with the ability to store custom data through the API. The system is completely new — all right now safely delegated using the model of bezopastnosti ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control).
  • the
  • property Sets allow You to change any properties to invoke the snippet (snippet) from any location or even the entire website from a single section Manager. Create property sets, assign them and manage them from a single partition.
  • the
  • Properties are available for all types of items including Chunks, TV, Templates, and Plugins.
  • the
  • Manage your dictionary and look MODx — language values for such things as shortcuts, notifications about events and more for local, industrial and regional terminology, and all it is a dictionary Manager.
  • the
  • Install add-ons and assembled to order packages using MODx package Manager. Open package Manager and search for available add-ons or even use a custom repository add-ons.
  • the
  • Create exact copies of other resources in any desired locations in the site tree using the Symlink Manager.


MODx Revolution is now available for download on

Learn more

You can find documentation and learn more about MODx Revolution 2.0 is here

One of the best ways of understanding MODX Revolution is scoring questions in the forums and the help of others in answering them. If you are new to MODx, you will be surprised by the friendliness and openness of the public forum. Go to the MODx forums.

Help us make it better

MODx Revolution 2.0 is a free software project. And that is why so important aid in cooperation and improvement of those who use it. The simplest way of cooperation may be the message about the found faults or problems.

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If you want to be aware of what is happening with MODx, make sure that you are subscribed to newsletter MODx.

Habr not recognize the original link, because I give it here.,51826.msg300853.html
Article based on information from


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