
When you put the bookmark on some article I need, are on Habre, I trust him. I expect that this article will survive here long enough.
Many of the articles that set bookmarks in the browser, are they in some kind of reference for me to which I turn often.

/ > But... not so long ago discovered the fact that if someone on Habre locked for breaking the rules and then disappear all of his articles and comments.
A recent example:

Understand that it could be made to prevent possible copyright claims to Hobro from the blocked. But you can do this, although it will be slightly more troublesome for administrators Habra. You can make it so that the articles locked completely removed from the system only when it is a direct requirement to do so. After all, keeping the article locked (guilty) user Habr does not violate any laws. And if you follow the requirement to remove copyrighted material, then the administrator Habra and remove them.
But this option, of course, for Admins more troublesome than fully automatic. But here is respected all readers of Habra.

In addition, in this case, it would be better to specify a more informative record than "a UFO landed ...". For example: "Material removed at the request of the author".
Otherwise, there is posts like this.

I don't think blocked blogger want to spoil public opinion, for the sake of their ambitions. Him live even in the blogosphere. Therefore, assuming such demands to remove your content from the blocked user will be rare.

Of course, variants are possible. For example, all articles from a personal blog blocked user are automatically deleted, and articles from blogs are deleted only at the request of the author. Also when you remove the article you can leave a chain of comments from other users under the same name, but without the text of the article itself.

And now... part Habra traffic flows on the cross-guards blogs. Ie if the author has indicated the cross-post on your blog, then I will put a link to it, than Habr.
So, draw your own conclusions, dear administrators.

The page that you see when you open articles blocked users:

If this article search via search, you get a positive result, but the link to the article is not displayed (escalas article Isis "Secrets of successful headlines"):

But frankly, the tab would like to put it on the article placed on habré, because here there are sometimes no less valuable than the article, the comments of a wide range of professionals, not to cross-post another site.

There is still the issue about the lack of a redirect to the article is moved from one blog to another, but that's another story.

the P. S. Thanks for the alternative proposal of preserving web information.
But here are comments that will not save.
I.e. if I saved the article in the beginning, the comments that will zaposchena in the future will always be unknown after the removal of such article with Habra.

Also, it now looks like the remote article is put someone in the personal bookmarks Habra favorites? There also appears "UFOs have been here"?
Article based on information from


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