Unity on Linux? No problem


/ > Think for a long time tormented by the idea of many of us: And not to get me completely on Linux? So it was with me. Many days of deliberation, a lot of pros and cons.

Everyone who opened this article, not just faced with this kind of OS, but few remained very long. The same happened with me. Very often. One day I decided. Put Mint 18, so as for me, the most convenient, set up driver and off we went.

Thought how to set Unity to not via Wine. And lo and behold. Unity has long led branch of the Linux packages, ready to install. They have like .sh script and you're done .deb package(links below).
Each manufactured version of Unity is going to our OC. There are slip-UPS sometimes, but they are unobtrusive and, in principle, for a comfortable design has everything you need and everything works fine.
So. Unity is simple and easy

  1. With the help of ready .deb package Manager
  2. the
  3. Or terminal
    sudo sh /path/to/*.sh

Then begins the confusion. I think you know that Unity uses its own compiler. Him gentle .Net version 3.5.

I tried to work Rider from JB(on Windows everything is OK, in Ubuntu,Mint swears on absence .Net 3.5), VSCode(same thing just a little bit) and the new MonoDevelop, which is supplied flatpack. But it turns out a lot of problems, chief of which is incomplete and even an incorrect reading of the file system. Climbs in the sections, seeing if this is what you need. In the end, linking is broken and you don't want every time to struggle with configuring libraries. So I came to the simple decision — to deliver Mono from the default repositories using apt. Let's get started.

I advise you to do before
sudo apt-get update

Next is the Mono version 5.9.6\

sudo apt-get install monodevelop

So. We need the program itself. We got it. Referred to it in Unity.
In Unity go to Edit->Preferences->External Tools- > External Script Editor, select the item monodevelop

Run. It's all good. But the linker complains: dude, where's .Net 3.5? And many here discouraged. Have mono there are so-called mono-reference-assemblies. To us it is necessary.

sudo apt-get install mono-reference-assemblies-3.5

In summary: Unity is great friends with Linux, without creating problems during development. So everything that was on my Windows, I was able to replace analogs on Linux Mint.

I stood third from the bottom
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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