VC.Radio: voice messages Vkontakte

Millions of people daily to communicate with their friends and relatives on Twitter, using either the website or various mobile apps. In both cases, text messages remain the same way exchange of information. Although this is not always convenient. For example, if you're driving and don't want to be distracted from the road, or when chatting with friends from different countries and cities (or even from one city, but with different work schedule, or study) and you find it difficult to meet simultaneously in Skype to discuss urgent matters. That's why we created a free app VK.Walkie talkie for iOS and Android that allows you to instantly exchange voice messages with Facebook friends, without being distracted from other things.

You can communicate in private conversations, create group chats and (this is really a unique feature) to use the radio in the existing community Vkontakte. In addition, the message history will remain on the wall community and every member can listen to messages in any browser in real time!

Imagine the situation: you went to work and forgot that she locked the cat out on the balcony. While the cat is cold, your wife is in the shower. In the usual situation you would have called, but she did not hear the call. Probably better to text or a message, but you need one eye on the road and the other on the phone to get the keys. In the end, you spend at least half a minute to pass on a few words. VC.The radio will allow you a few seconds to leave a voice message which will be instantly delivered via Push and your wife will see it exactly like SMS or incoming message Vkontakte. Special mention deserves the fact that mobile traffic VC.The radio consumes very moderately: a voice message in 5 seconds you will “cost” about 10Kb.


Or, for example, you and your friends decided to go to Lviv. Part your company wants in the first place to take a walk through the ancient streets of the city, view the stunning architecture, climb the city Hall and visit the High Castle. Others want to look at the famous Lviv coffee houses and pastry shops. Some will certainly want to visit the famous restaurants with national color. In such a situation it is very important to communicate with each other and share strike one, but in the basement of the coffee shop, your phone may be out of reach, and then call or send SMS will not work. Fortunately, in many cafes and restaurants have wi-fi, so with VC.The radio you're always in touch, even without a connection to the network operator. Moreover, a voice message, unlike the message, Facebook or SMS, it is much more convenient to send on the go, climbing on Castle hill.

Unlike other applications-radios (Voxer, Zello), with VC.Radio no need to register in else single service to communicate and to persuade your friends to do the same, because almost all have a VK account, even if just for listening to music. Therefore, all that is required is to install the free app on phone and login with your existing account Vkontakte.
VC.The radio is fully integrated with Facebook: your friends list, groups and meetings is available immediately in the app.

It is important to note that VC.Radio working in live mode. Ie as soon as you press the button recording a voice message, you can already hear all the participants of the chat. This allows you to communicate without delay to the transmission and reception of messages.

The app is free and available for download in Google Play and the iTunes App Store.
The application has the and the Vkontakte page
Article based on information from


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