Video tutorials AVR

Not long ago I accidentally discovered that practically there is somehow a complete and detailed video tutorials for 8 bit avr in the Russian language. In General, all kinds of video tutorials full. But, in my opinion they suffer in two things: 1) They are not over. The author begins to do it, then throws. 2) the Author directly drives, without expressing the most basic things. These problems I have, with varying success, tried to correct.

Just want to say that people experienced in sowing, there is little need to watch these lessons. Perhaps, for fun and criticism. Lessons are dedicated to beginners and all that is there at the moment — the basics. In General, the concept was that a person could study the subject, with no debug kits and other newfangled things, at least initially. Therefore in order to make learning complete, I gathered Ponyprog programmer. Actually, this is my first experience doing video tutorials, so, please, much for the quality of performance is not to criticize, but not to praise, so to speak. Any criticism gladly accept. Well, just, reviews, tips. Regarding the format of the video removed, and will be shot in handy camera (phone, camera). Part — capcity of the computer screen. In view of the fact that I fell a lot of criticism for the video quality, will try most part capture screen. In General, this process was very time consuming. And, yet, it was difficult to achieve the desired result. Failed that one, then another.
On this the link it is possible to look already captured, at the moment, video. Accordingly, the playlist will be updated.

Napoleonic plans. Want to consider all the major issues and make a more or less full course.
Thank you for your attention!
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