Web Standards Days on June 20 in Saint-Petersburg

on Saturday 20 June, we will again be holding the conference Web Standards Days on frontend and web standards in St. Petersburg and will be glad to see you among the participants.

Venue new. Instead of the usual faculty of specialists ' retraining in the Poly, we decided to try something new and found a great room in the center of Saint-Petersburg Center of business culture on Pochtamtskaya street.

This year we will please you foreign Rapporteur Bruce Lawson, who will play for the first time in St. Petersburg and talk about Blink.

We have announced speakers from Opera Software, Yandex, LiveJournal and Craigslist. Here is the full version of the program:

  1. Browsers our smaller, or We need to talk seriously, Vadim Makeev
  2. the
  3. Component web. Insight into the design, Anton Vinogradov
  4. the
  5. styleguide First — approach to UI development-components, Varya Stepanova
  6. the
  7. a Life of isolation, a novel Dornov
  8. the
  9. Why Blink is not new IE6, Bruce Lawson
  10. the
  11. Service Workers dreaming, Vyacheslav Shebanov
  12. the
  13. Debug code in the browser, Anton Shuvalov
  14. the
  15. Interactive 3D graphics on WebGL, vasilika Klimov
  16. the
  17. Books in the browser, Oleg Mokhov
  18. the
  19. Button, Roman Komarov
  20. the
  21. Animated text, Julia bukhvalova

#wstdays we want to make a stand to exchange stickers and books on web-related topics and related topics.

We ask you to take the stickers about web technologies that do not mind to exchange or give or they just have lying around doing nothing. You probably have somewhere to stay, octocat, stickers with conferences, logos technologies, companies, projects, etc... you can use any, can be much the same.

We also offer you support and to swap bookcrossing books about HTML, CSS, JS, and web technologies in the first place. But, certainly, it is useful and books on related topics: programming, management and design. If you read the book and are willing to give it to other interested people, then bring it with you to the conference. But don't get carried away too hardcore, not suitable books on the subject.

Registration is open, participation is as always free — webstandardsdays.ru/2015/06/20
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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