Zend Framework 2.0.0 beta1 Released

Released the first beta version of Zend Framework 2.0.0. Installation downloads and instructions available at http://packages.zendframework.com.
How to write on the official website of the Zend, this is the first beta of a series of planned beta releases. In the future, the developers plan to stick to the releases in the "gmail"style. Namely new capabilities and features added in each new beta version that will come out at least every six weeks.

New in 2.0.0beta1:
  • Revised and new autoloder:
  • the
  • Redesigned the broker plugins: Zend\Loader\Broker and Zend\Loader\PluginBroker
  • the
  • Reworked Exception system V. the New system allows:
    to intercept Exception-y of special types
    to intercept Exception-y component
    to catch SPL Exception-s
    to intercept Exception-y of the base types
  • the
  • Rewritten the mechanism of Sessions (Sessions)
  • the
  • Redesigned the component View
  • the
  • was produced by processing helper to use "magic" method __invoke() where possible
  • the
  • Redesigned the HTTP component
  • the
  • Added a new component Zend\Cloud\Infrastructure
  • the
  • Added new component EventManager
  • the
  • Added component new Dependency Injection (Zend\Di)
  • the
  • Added new component Code: includes reworked versions of Reflection and CodeGenerator component and the new component.

As written on the website of the Zend, the above identified components largely provide the basis for Zend Framework 2, and the so-called framework core. But beta1 is that on their basis to build a new MVC layer:
  • Zend\Module, for developing modular application architectures.
  • the
  • Zend\MVC, revised and made on the basis of a component of HTTP, EventManager, and Di.

So, the developers write that made test the application and the test framework module to help all those interested in ZF2.

UPD. Tutorial: Getting started with Zend Framework 2 (beta1) by Rob Allen.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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