Create Society 2.0 or a new project from the creators of the Web Observer

last week told all the distinguished participants of Habra-community about how we developed the service Web watcher, and today I'd like to talk to you about a new project that not so long ago we began to engage.

Not wargas in political discussions (but not ban me abuse team Habr:)) I dare to note that the results of the latest political events in Russia caused depression and apathy among socially active population of our vast country. Someone dropped his hands, someone goes to meetings (which imho does not give any result, but not about this post), and someone thinks how to make life better. After thinking a bit we decided to make a service that will help society to organize themselves and to cope with those problems the solution of which can not be provided to us by the authorities. But such problems, if you think about it a lot, for example

— Construction of a natural Parking in the yard, which do not agree residents of nearby courtyards (for example the demolition of playgrounds)
— Garbage on the streets (if in Moscow is not so important in some cities outside of the Moscow ring road is the real problem)
— Extortion of money from small and medium business of the SES, firefighters, government officials and other authorities
— expensive cars abandoned by owners and overlying the exit of the yards or tram tracks
— violations of various regulations by the builders of roads, houses, etc., which leads to consequences of different severity — from traffic congestion to the collapse of buildings. As far as I know, Yandex with its service I-tube carefully analyzes the causes of the congestion, but since this is not their main specialization, the demand from them regular improvements of the traffic situation in the country would be at least weird.
— Theft and improper handling from different budgets

In my opinion this list is endless. Our task is to organize a modern society in Russia (and in the future — not only in it) so that it includes mechanisms of regulation, and we have provided him with a tool for this task. It will also be given a handy tool for journalists and government representatives who are interested to do their work properly (I'm sure that the universal dislike of officials, we cannot exclude that among them there are honest people who also want to make the world a better place).

There are several provisions that will be key when working on a project:

— The use of top (but not necessarily proven) technologies/framworks/methodologies for the project.
— Source code will be open for everyone to read it
— To work on the project will be invited public figures, journalists, experts from various fields
— Core Team development will consist of leading experts, committing code can, but it will undergo review by our experts.

And now I would like to ask you a few questions:
What problems do you see in your city/region who or what inhibits them?
— Which problems a higher priority in your opinion and which aren't?
— What functionality would you like to see what it would be in your opinion more demanded, and what is less?

It would be super if you could ask the same questions to your friends and family who care about what is happening around and to share in the comments.

In parallel we have is the analysis of the requirements that we put forward to the product and after receiving your feedback, we compare it with our vision and I will write a post what the result was.

UPD 0: one More question (creative :)) — and how would you call such a social platform? Zakladyvaytes not only to Public control — we have a lot of ideas in my head what would have to help our society and all of them we will implement :)
UPD 1: Lifted from the comments in the main topic of a high-level description of the functionality:

Our task
1 — collect information
2 — structure it
3 — to attract the attention of the public
4 — to organize experts in this field
5 — to conduct a series of activities to solve the problem
6 — to track the status of what has occurred and keep up to date with the public.

Example — the lack of a pedestrian crossing on a busy stretch of road. The system will look like this:
1 — the information gets into the system
2 — gather all the necessary documents/evidence, etc. — photos of the road, no crossing, residents ' complaints to the Council, etc.
3 — for journalists from the relevant region information is provided in the right to publish a
4 — experts are called in for road works, which are in the region to assess the time/cost/possibility of realization, etc.
5 — formed working group, resourced and so on, it uses the knowledge of the lawyer, a member of the working group not to allow officials to delay time, to say that there is no budget and so on. All statuses are displayed in the system
6 — when the transfer is made, changing the status to complete and (for example) grateful citizens may thank group members for their work — to say a good word or me a beer :)
Article based on information from


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