Elephants are already here. Fast, reliable, powerful. PostgreSQL 8.3!

More than 200 developers, 300 patches the 15 months of hard work developers and testers... And here is the newest version of the best DBMS in the world ready to use in an industrial environment!

/ > 4 Feb 2008-year global development group PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL Global Development Group) announced the long-awaited release of version 8.3 of the most advanced open DBMS, a fact which further strengthens the position of the PostgreSQL as the most productive databases systems open source. Among the innovations on performance, it is necessary to highlight:

* HOT (Heap Only Tuples)
* the mechanism of autotune of parameters of process of bgwriter
* asynchronous commits (Asynchronous-Commit)
* "spread control points" (Spread Checkpoints)
* "sinhronizovani views" (Synchronous Scans)
* additional reduction of disk space ("Var-Varlena")
* protection of L2-cache
* reducing the speed of "speed cheating" transaction counter (Lazy XID)

PostgreSQL 8.3 also contains many interesting and attractive innovations that Dostoinstvo appreciated by developers and database administrators. Here are some of these innovations:

* CSV logging
* SQL/XML (!)
* support for MS Visual C++
* ENUM-types
* built-in Tsearch (!)
* arrays of composite types
* pg_standby

This list is very short, this release contains many, many new. Look at the list of innovations and feature matrix, flip release, read article in Russian. And make sure to download and try!

The text of the official press release in Russian: www.postgresql.org/about/press/presskit83.html.ru
Article about new 8.3 in Russian: postgresmen.ru/articles/view/78
24/7 commercial support, advice on Russian language: postgresmen.ru
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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