France want to force search engines to pay for content. Google threatens to remove French sites from its index

Ingenious France's socialist government proposed a law under which search engines indexing the content of websites located within the country, will have to share revenue from ads, usually shown together with search results.

The Union of French publishers, lobbying the government, the bill, which caused the already well-known complaint of users who prefer to find online free content, instead of having to buy a newspaper or a paid version of the e-journal. But to find them, well help of various search engines (actually, Google) greatly facilitating the task and bringing significant headache to publishers of Newspapers and magazines in the form of loss of income from the sale.

The search giant has sent to the French Ministers the information letter in which he expressed his disagreement with the proposed law and threatened that if he will still be accepted, all French sites, for the indexation which will have to pay will be excluded from Google search results. Given the fact that thanks to Google four billion visitors in a month are migrated to the appropriate sites, then such measures will effectively mean the collapse of the business many companies that target the Internet.

Google also clarifies that while the need to pay for posting links to websites and seriously undermine its finances, after all most affected by possible measures internally to end users, for which France will disappear from the virtual space on the one hand, and on the other, in fact, the government is going to charge not for access to certain content (which is perhaps understandable), and only link to it that adversely affect freedom of information in the Network.

It is also possible that the last issues Google in Europe, lies in the fact that companies need to seriously change the privacy policy, due to the influence of France in the European Parliament, trying, thus, to continue its tough policy in the field of Internet and tough anti-piracy laws.

Article based on information from


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