Shutdown Day 2012

After a couple years of silence, resumed work "Day trip" — Day Shutdown. This time it has undergone little transformation.


First- the founders and organizers of the previous Shutdown Day (2007, 2008 and 2009) this time is irrelevant to the launcher doesn't have (except ideas), and secondly — this year, the day off is carried out only on the territory of Russia (on the domain .EN), third — Shutdown Day 2012 more loyal to the man, he gives the right to choose the trip (computer, tablet or phone), fourthly, the current day falls on may 16 and before may 15, we all look forward to the release of Diablo 3. Well, and fifth — may 16, is the environment working in that environment.

No other changes:

1. the struggle with Internet dependence (in the current sdd conducted an experiment in one of the Tambov schools. There are 25 students voluntarily abandoned the use of the Internet for 3 weeks, and daily monitored by the doctors and psychologists);

2. minor, but possible electricity savings (this can be a multi-volume writing, read the opinions of experts regarding the Earth Hour held by WWF);

3. promotion of healthy lifestyle (likely, the main trump card of the current sdd — go out, meet friends, spring).

Still interested in the community reaction to these flash mobs. But I think it is not much transformed since previous years. Here are links to the past few days (read the comments):

Shutdown Day 2007
Shutdown Day 2008
Shutdown Day 2009

The link to the website of the "Day off 2012" —, Twitter Shutdown Day Russia / the hashtag #sdd12. Post for young people and hipsters on Lookatme.

And the question is: what do You think about Shutdown day 2012?

p.s.: tried to contact the founders of the original Shutdown day, but received no response. It would be interesting to see them in the comments.
Article based on information from


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