PostgreSQL 9.3 What's new?
Hello, habrachelovek! Not so long ago there was a release of PostgreSQL 9.3 and I would like to present You with the most important innovations for the client part, which may be useful to You. In this article, we'll cover: the the materialiserades presentation the updatable views the triggers on events the text representation the lateral joining the are modified by external tables the functions and operators for working with type JSON Materialiserades representation Materialiserades representation of the physical database object containing the results of some query. Undoubtedly, one of the most anticipated innovations. Let's see how to work with it in PostgreSQL . Create a directory of authors and reference books, with a link to the author: the CREATE TABLE author ( id serial NOT NULL, first_name text NOT NULL, last_name text NOT NULL, Pk_author_id CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY ( id ), Uk_author_name CONSTRAINT UNIQUE ( first_name, last_name ) ); ...