Webinar: What are regular expressions?

This is the fourth webinar of the cycle free webinars on automation testing.
The video (duration-1 hour 10 min.):

Topics and details of the video under the cut

Webinar presenter, Michael Polyarush which talks about the basics of regular expressions and demonstrates that they work on practical examples.

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
00:00 – 02:37 Entry. The agenda and purpose of the webinar.
02:38 – 04:35 the History of regular expressions
04:36 – 10:54 What are regular expressions? Definition. An example of pasanga log
10:55 – 14:37 regular expression Syntax. The normal (literal), and special characters. Escaping special characters.
14:38 – 17:09 character Sets (classes); [0-9], [Aa]
17:10 – 17:54 Special metacharacters-reduction. \d \d \s \S \w \W
17:55 – 20:00 specifying a position in the search: the beginning and the end of the row, the beginning and the end of a word
20:01 – 20:24 Grouping a(bc|b|x)cc
20:25 – 27:30 the Sequence {m, n}. *, +, ?
27:32 – 30:29 Bust “(a|c|z)”
30:30 – 34:07 Practical examples. How to read a regular expression?
34:07 – 35:59 validation regular expression
36:00 – 42:19 Simple tasks that can be solved using regular expressions: parsing phone numbers, email, html
42:20 – 47:36 examples of the practical application of regular expressions. To find all running processes on a template, all email addresses in the file.
47:37 – 50:33 Regular expressions in Notepad++ and Total Commander
50:34 – 56:59 Using regular expressions in programming: Python, Java, JavaScript
57:00 – 59:14 the Use of regular expressions in test automation
59:15 – 1:01:31 Results.
1:01:32 – 1:09:45 Answers to questions

UPD: Link to a PDF version of mind map regular expressions


About the webinar

Author: Michael Polyarush. A webinar was conducted with the support of Ciklum.
Ask questions at the webinar the community forum for Automator AT.info
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Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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