Google analyzes the behavior of iPhone users to improve Android

mneniu analyst firm Piper Jaffray, there is a 70% chance that Apple will launch its own search engine within the next five years. As the basis for the search engine it offers Apple to buy one of the existing search startups, for example, Cuil or Taptu.

For Apple this is the only way out of the situation. The fact that now the iPhone default Google search. Thus, the competitor collects search data from iPhone users and may use this information in developing its own operating system Android.

Such conclusion contains in the analytical note, which was published in March 30 analyst Agency Piper Jaffray. According to him, the search statistics from tens of millions of iPhone users is extremely valuable data, and Apple had a duty to protect them from a competitor. You can do it or by making Bing search engine by default (which is unlikely in many circumstances), either through their own development.

Curious tentacles Google has already penetrated not only on iPhone but also in the very lair epplovskoy monoculture — in the App Store. The interest of the search giant's secret infrastructure, Apple has confirmed in November last year, when Google bought for $750 million AdMob, the company that develops embedded ads in an iPhone application (the deal is not yet legalized by the regulatory authorities). This purchase gives Google unprecedented access to inside information of the App Store.

By the way, in the future, not to miss the out of control advertising platform, Apple will have to make not only their search engine but also a mapping application like Google Maps, says the same analyst at Piper Jaffray. Otherwise all the profits from the sale of advertising on the iPhone will be to Google.

via eWeek
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