Innovative mechanism Google. The controversy

In June Harvard Business Review published great article. Journalists have tried from all sides to look at the giant and to analyze the success history of the company. It is obvious that innovation is proposed and the proposed Google om become and continue to be one of the main components of the rapid development of the company. But not just that.
It would be possible not to think about this article, it's been more than a month, and who wanted one had time to read it. But the same Harvard continue the story and published reviews of three figures of Russian Internet:

Ya Sadchikov, "the Innovation of Google that I see first and foremost in their business model. Why successful was this search? The idea of Brin and page, on the one hand, was to engage users with simplicity, speed, and search relevance, and then hold them with new additional services. On the other — and it is also important that the opportunity to capitalize on yourself to attract a lot of partners. Now, if you look closely at the financial performance of Google, see: a significant part of the income of the company provide affiliate sites. To help earn on your search others — in my opinion, this is the main innovation..."

A. Popkov, to: "Copy the innovation model Google or any other company — it is impossible. This is confirmed by many examples, not only from the Internet.
On the other hand, try to approach the "ideal", taking separate courses, probably. That's just to catch up with Google in the innovation field, I would still not advise. It's too powerful a brand is too popular now all over the world."

Klimenko, "I think Google methods to carry on other business is just wrong. It's like you try to use the experience of "Gazprom" for the average enterprise. Sounds weird, right? With Google, the same company is in a unique situation, which you can only dream of. To invest in R & d? Please. An experiment to try to buy the company? No problem. Almost nobody can afford it, but Google can — because revenues are growing much faster than expenses. Learn about what is happening in American corporations is curious, but the knowledge is almost useless. The comparison with the oil companies is evident — the very same layer of fat, the excess funds that need to be invested somewhere and that allow you to play in innovation.

Sorry there is no commentary, for example, Arkady Volozh or Igor Ashmanov. It would be even more interesting.
Article based on information from


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