WebProject is a free program for creating and maintaining html sites

I like html sites. They are fast, do not load the server, they are easy bekapit and easy to carry, can be kept on a flash drive for offline viewing. But the problem is that they are difficult to follow. To make changes in several files to change a menu item, or the year of copyright — employment cheerless. For these purposes, I first wrote for the templating engine, and after a few iterations, was born here, this program WebProject.

The program is a kind of offline CMS and assembles an html site from describes the structure of pages and sections in a predetermined pattern, and allows you to pour the finished website to an ftp server.

Briefly list that allows the program:
  • to create some html sites in one project
  • the
  • quickly create the html structure of the site
  • the
  • fill page using html and a simplified markup language
  • the
  • automatically or manually set the names for the generated html pages
  • the
  • to set links to pages in the site structure for using in menu and sidebar
  • the
  • to set the title page and identify the tags META-Description and META-Keywords
  • the
  • choose a website design using the available templates or create a template
  • the
  • make changes in the html template
  • the
  • automatically create a site menu and the sidebar navigation
  • the
  • automatically create an html site map
  • the
  • to preview the created site
  • the
  • to upload the generated website to the FTP server

Initially the program was planned as a framework. Elements of the project — pages and categories — the bricks of which going to the website. Plans to add specialty items — post (for reference analog blog), news, gallery, file (for files with their description).

It would be disrespectful to the community to share some technical details of the project. The project is written on Delphi XE, to obtain used its components based on the GR32 library. Of particular interest was the development of the templating engine. The template is first parsed and broken into blocks in accordance with the structure of a website: menu, content, sidebar and inside define blocks to iterate over the elements and places for inserts content elements of type {name} {url}, etc. In fact it is the possibility of macro substitution that sometimes can significantly reduce the amount of duplicate text and the number of errors. The program has the ability to set macros for entire project and individual site. In addition it is possible to do a conditional insert: {?!isLast} | {/?} All this helped to make a template system for easy adaptation to ready css templates.

Would like to say a few words about the upload to FTP. In the project you can keep multiple websites, each you can specify your own server to publish. And publish all button. And by default publishes only the changes and files that were already published but then removed just removed and from the FTP server.

For each site you can configure the folder where will be generated a website and it allows you to hold the next trick with the creation of a separate part of the site with its own template: create a basic website, then the website which is section of the big website and then a custom folder to generate a website-a partition on a subfolder of the main site. Then the site subsection to exclude from the publication, when you publish the main site files subsection will be uploaded to FTP automatically. So I have done on the program website with the primary domain bytexpert.ru and section bytexpert.ru/webproject

You can argue a lot about whether now html website or in our time easier to install WordPress and make everything in it, but my opinion is: why use resource-intensive solution, when a task successfully copes set of html files. Need a handy tool that I tried to do his program.
Website: bytexpert.ru/webproject
Direct link to download the software: bytexpert.ru/webproject/WebProjectSetup.exe
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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